My Simmons

Advising Materials and Support

We partner with faculty advisors, academic departments and other Simmons support staff to encourage academic and personal development of all students.

Meet with an Advisor

If you would like to schedule an appointment (phone or via Zoom) with your academic advisor for the upcoming weeks, log into Starfish and follow these steps:

  1. Click “My Success Network” in the menu on the left.
  2. Click “Schedule” at the bottom of the yellow “Academic Advising (Undergraduate)” box.
  3. Search the calendar for available appointments.

or send us an email if you cannot find a time that works for you. We look forward to meeting with you soon!

Cindy Firestein
Director, Undergraduate Advising
[email protected]

David Restrick
Associate Director, Undergraduate Advising
[email protected]

Christine Henningson
Academic Advisor
[email protected]

Academic Forms and Information

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar applies to all undergraduate and graduate students unless otherwise indicated. CompleteDegree programs follow undergraduate dates.

Registrar Forms

Find a comprehensive list of forms relevant to processes and actions taken through the Registrar’s office.

PLAN Requirements for CompleteDegree@Simmons Students

PLAN (Purpose Leadership ActioN) is the Simmons undergraduate general education program. Some PLAN requirements can be fulfilled with courses required for this major, as indicated below. Additional PLAN requirements may be fulfilled through electives. PLAN requirements, with the exception of the capstone, are waived for students who have an associate’s degree from an accredited instruction. We highly recommend that you work closely with your advisor(s) to choose all of your courses.

PLAN Core Curriculum Illustration

For more information on PLAN please contact either Christine Henningson, Academic Advisor, Online Undergraduate Degree Completion Programs at [email protected] or Niloufer Sohrabji, Director of General Education at [email protected].

3D Requirement Course Selection for Complete Degree Students

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is awarded for college-level learning gained through work or life experience. CompleteDegree students studying fully online may earn up to 24 CPLs. For more information please contact Academic Advisor, Chrstine Henningson. A one-time portfolio review fee of $1500 must be paid at the time the portfolio is submitted for review. If the student is awarded fewer credits than the equivalent of $1500 in tuition, the remaining portfolio fee is applied as a credit (tuition waiver) towards the student’s remaining coursework in CompleteDegree. Refunds are not granted for unused tuition waiver credit.

CPL Policy and Procedure

Portfolio Outline

Math Placement Exam

Students who need to complete the math placement exam will be enrolled in it through the Online Campus.

  1. Login to Online Campus
  2. Click on “Math Placement Exam”
  3. Once in test click “Attempts” to begin the exam

Students are allowed two attempts to take the placement exam.

Preparing for Registration

When does registration take place?

Check out this short video for instructions on how to find your registration time.

Search, Save and Register for Classes in Workday

Did you know that you can save your courses ahead of time in Saved Schedules on Workday? Take a look at this video to see how to search for courses and create different schedules.

For additional tips and guides on how to navigate Workday, visit the Workday Student project site.

Students need to complete to-do’s every semester prior to registration.

Access the Digital Campus

View the Digital Campus user guide to help you access the Digital Campus and complete important tasks to get started.

Alpha Sigma Lambda

Alpha Sigma Lambda Academic Honor Society is a nationally recognized honor society for adult learners. Chi Pi is Simmons University’s chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda which is managed by the Office of Undergraduate Advising.


Undergraduate adult learners are invited to join Alpha Sigma Lambda if they meet the membership criteria and are in the top percentile of those eligible to join. Reviews of eligibility take place each spring semester.

Membership Criteria:

The criteria to be invited to join Alpha Sigma Lambda is set by the national headquarters and utilized by the Office of Undergraduate Advising to determine who is eligible to be inducted.

  • Adult learners at Simmons are identified as Dix Scholars or enrolled in Complete Degree programs
  • Adult students who have earned 24+ credits at Simmons University
  • Students who have 12 or more credits in liberal arts and sciences (may include transfer credits to complete the distribution requirements)
  • Students who have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.2 or higher
  • Top 20% of adult learner students who meet the criteria listed above.

View the full Constitution of Alpha Sigma Lambda that outlines the criteria.

Cords & Certificates:

All students who are inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda will receive graduation honor cords and certificates. Note: lost cords or certificates will not be replaced by Simmons.

Scholarship Opportunities:

All undergraduate adult learners will be contacted each spring semester via email about Alpha Sigma Lambda scholarship opportunities. Any adult learner is eligible to apply for a scholarship regardless if they are inducted into the society.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Please view FAQs about Alpha Sigma Lambda. Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions regarding Alpha Sigma Lambda.

Advising Newsletters

Monthly Archived Newsletters