My Simmons

SLIS Student FAQs

The Student Services Center on the Boston Campus is here to help you. We’re located in Suite B-210, located on the 2nd floor of the Palace Road Building. Our phone number is: 617-521-2814. You can email us at [email protected].

The SLIS West Office is located across the street from the Greenfield Community College campus. Our phone number is: 413-533-2400. You can email us at [email protected].

View the full SLIS Policy Manual, for students in Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, and Master of Science programs in SLIS. For additional information, visit the Simmons Student Handbook.

Please note that the URLs to specific forms listed below can all be found at Forms and Policies.

Useful Links

WorkDayFaculty ProfilesProgram Planning Statement
Bookstore at SimmonsForms and PoliciesRegistration for New or Current students
Campus Card OfficeLIS Boston Welcome DayStudent Associations
Course RefundsLIS West Welcome DayStudent Financial Services – Insurance
Course DescriptionsParking at SimmonsTech Competencies
Discount MBTA PassesPetition for Transfer of Credit/Waiver FormVirtual Orientation

Acclimate to Campus (Boston and Greenfield)

Where do I get my Simmons ID?

Students may obtain their Simmons ID card from the Campus Card Office, located on the first floor in the Palace Road Building (Room P-107). SLIS West students will receive their cards during the LIS West Welcome Day, or they can contact Eric Poulin ([email protected]) to request a card.

Where do I learn about health insurance?

For online information, visit Student Financial Services – Insurance. For in-person assistance, you can go to the Student Financial Services in the Main College Building. This applies to students on the Boston and SLIS West campuses.

Where is the campus bookstore?

Simmons University has its own Bookstore located on lower level off of the Fens Lobby in the Main College Building. Visit the Bookstore page for more information. SLIS West students are encouraged to communicate with their professors or the SLIS West office regarding textbook options.

How do I get a parking pass? Or a MBTA pass?

Information about student parking can be found at Simmons Parking. To purchase a Mass Bay Transit Authority Pass (MBTA) through Simmons, visit Discount MBTA Passes. If you have purchased an MBTA Pass, you can pick it up at Student Financial Service in W-207, which is located in the West wing on the 2nd floor of the Main College Building (MCB).

Room Numbers

Simmons, Boston, MA: SLIS courses are held throughout campus (please see the campus map). Prior to the start of each semester, room numbers are added to AARC and posted on bulletin boards in the Palace Road building (outside of P-111 and the one at the end of the hall near the SLIS Lounge). Course schedules with room numbers are also linked as pdf documents on the Academic Calendar. The abbreviations used for buildings on the Boston academic campus are:

  • C: Main College Building—Center section
  • E: Main College Building—East wing
  • L: Lefavour Hall (the Beatley Library building)
  • M: Management and Academic Building
  • P: Palace Road Building
  • S: Science Building
  • W: Main College Building—West wing

Greenfield Community College: LIS courses are held in several buildings. Prior to the start of each semester, room numbers are added to AARC and the online course schedules; they may also be sent out via e-mail. The buildings are designated by their full names (“Library,” “Kendade,” etc.).

Directions to Campus

All LIS students are welcome to enroll in courses at either the Boston Campus or at LIS@SLIS West. You must arrange your own transportation and lodging, if necessary. For more information on traveling to a campus you do not normally attend, please see the Directions page.

Boston Campus: Important Info

Shuttle: Use MASCO shuttle to Ruggles Station, 6:00 p.m.-8:45 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Train and Bus Options: If you’d prefer not to drive into Boston, this page on commuter alternatives should help.

Escorts: Use the Safety Escort Program from the Main campus to the Residence campus, 4:00 p.m.-midnight. Call 617-521-1112, or pick up a campus phone and dial 1112.

Inclement Weather: Snow policy/cancellations will be announced on WBZ, WHDH, WRKO, WBCN-AM Radio; WBUR-FM Radio; WBZ-TV channel. You can also call the Simmons University Information Hotline at 617-521-3463. For more information, visit the Emergency Preparedness Planning page.

Lost and Found: Protect your belongings. If you lose something, check with the SLIS Tech Lab and the Public Safety Office.

Health & Wellness

Health Insurance

All students taking 9 or more credits are required by Massachusetts State law to enroll in the Student Health Insurance or be covered by a health insurance plan with comparable coverage. To ensure compliance with Massachusetts law, Simmons University students are automatically enrolled in and billed for the Student Health Plan, which is separate from the Health Center fee.

For more information on these regulations, please visit the website of the Massachusetts Health Connector. The Health Connector also provides information on insurance plans made available throughout the state.

For information on the Simmons University health insurance plan, provided by University Health Plans, visit Health Insurance While in School.

Health Center

The Simmons University Health Center provides some services to all students on a walk-in and by-appointment basis. The Health Center is “staffed by registered nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians. All physicians are Board Certified and have appointments at Harvard Medical School and at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.” If you have a dental problem, contact the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, located on 188 Longwood Avenue, 617-432-1434.


For more information about Athletics at Simmons, visit the Athletics page. All current Simmons students are entitled to use fitness facilities, including the Holmes Sports Center facilities.

Get Ready to Take Classes

How do I register for classes?

For directions for registering for your first semester of classes visit Registration for New Students.

What are the SLIS Tech Competencies?

While all students enter the LIS program with different talents, skills, and abilities, LIS instructors expect all students to possess a baseline of knowledge, skill, and familiarity with technology. Read about the SLIS Tech Competencies.

Can I add or drop a class?

Students can add or drop classes by signing into WorkDay. Before doing so, visit Forms and Policies for the most up to date Add/Drop information. If you have trouble adding or dropping a class on WorkDay, please contact [email protected] and we will be happy to help you. Information on Simmons’ refund policy can be found at Student Financial Services – Refunds.

Whom can I contact if I have general questions?

Boston Campus:
Dr. Em Claire Knowles, Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs
Office: P-111C
Phone: 617-521-2798
Email: [email protected]

SLIS West:

Eric T. Poulin
Simmons School of Library and Information Science
Lecturer and Coordinator of SLIS West
Phone: 413-533-2400
Email: [email protected]

Can I change advisors of academic programs?

Yes. Fill out a Change of Advisor form, available on the Forms and Policies page under the Advising/Program Planning Statement tab. Once completed, submit this form either to the SLIS Student Services Center, suite P212; via email to [email protected], via fax to 617-521-3762, or mail it to the SLIS in Boston  (300 The Fenway, Boston MA 02115).

SLIS West students who are in the Archival Management program or the School Library Teacher Program may be advised by the SLIS West Coordinator and the respective program director.

If you are changing your academic program (for example: to or from Design Your Own, archives, or school library teacher), you are also encouraged to change your advisor to a faculty member better suited to offer guidance in your new area of focus. Students moving into or out of the SLT or Archives programs are required to change advisors.

I need to fill out a form for…

For information on other policies, such as Name/Address/Phone Changes, Registration, and Leave of Absence refer to Forms and Policies.

How do I completed the required Program Planning Statement?

To complete your Program Planning Statement, LIS students must do the following:

  1. Speak with your advisor. Call, email, or stop by their office to set up an appointment. Be sure to have a copy of the program planning sheet available during your discussion.
  2. Fill out the LIS Program Planning Statement with the classes you and your advisor agree upon.
  3. All forms must be signed by the student and the advisor. Online students: you may sign it by typing in your name or inserting a digital signature. You can also print it out and sign, then scan or take a picture of the signed form with your smart phone and email it to your advisor for their signature.
  4. Once completed and signed, drop off your LIS Program Planning Statement at the Student Services Center office in suite P212, email it to [email protected], or fax it to 617-521-3762.

Handling Challenges

What if I’m having a problem in a course?

If you find yourself struggling in a course, be sure to communicate your difficulties to the professor and/or your advisor. If you need additional assistance, you can make an appointment to visit Assistant Dean of Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Em Claire Knowles. If you are afraid that you will not be able to complete your coursework, discuss the issue with your professor and ask about submitting an Incomplete Form (RTF) (find at Forms and Policies). If approved, the incomplete will allow you a limited extension in which to finish your assignments. As long as you complete your assignments by deadline, the incomplete will not affect your grade.

Whom should I see if I need academic support?

If you know you have a disability, visit Accessibility Services to fill out the appropriate paperwork. You will be eligible for reasonable accommodations (as applicable) in your classes once this paperwork is complete. The Center for Student Success has resources for all students, such as the Writing Center and Tutoring Center.

Are there student liaisons I can contact for guidance?

LISSA Officers and the leaders of the various student groups are good resources to contact if you have any questions. For information about them, visit Student Associations.

Where can I find out what other students think about professors and courses?

Once you have filled out a course evaluation, you are able to access other course evaluations through your link to EvalKit. At SLIS West, the evaluations are also printed and put in binders for students to review.

To view the SLIS Faculty Directory for a brief background on each faculty member (full-time and adjunct) visit SLIS Faculty Profiles.

Where can I go for guidance if I’ve already registered and worry that I’ll need to change my first semester courses?

If this is the case, we recommend that you contact your faculty advisor for guidance. For the first 12 credits, taking core courses is recommended.

How much can I reasonably work while enrolled?

This is another good question to discuss with your faculty advisor, who can help you take your experience and workload into account.

If I feel overqualified for any of the core courses, can I petition to waive the requirement?

Once you have completed nine credits in the program, you can fill out a petition to waive a particular requirement and submit it to Dr. Em Claire Knowles, Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, for discussion and review with the appropriate faculty. You will need to supply information to support your petition. It’s also a good idea to speak to your faculty advisor about your petition. If your advisor agrees, your advisor may advocate for you. Carefully read the instructions on the Petition for Transfer of Credit/Waiver Form. You will receive a letter stating whether or not your petition has been granted.