As we return from the Spring Break, the REEF Support Center wanted to share some reminders of campus resources available to our students. We often find that recommendations from our faculty and staff are the best way to encourage students to reach out for support!
Food Access
Guest Meal Swipe Bank
- The GMSB is a communal meal swipe bank that is accessible to students who have inconsistent access to food. Commuter students are eligible to request up to 2 weeks of free meal swipes, depending on availability. Last semester, we were able to share over 800 swipes. Students can make a request by visiting the Guest Meal Swipe Bank webpage.
- Looking to get connected to more low-cost food resources? Check out our Food Access webpage for information about programs like Fresh Truck, Daily Table, and more.
Connect with free therapy through the Student Assistance Program!
- The Student Assistance Program through ComPsych® offers 24/7 free confidential mental health support (among other things) to on-the-ground graduate and undergraduate students. Students can access 5 sessions per topic. For the first time ever, you can schedule an appointment online with a licensed clinician. The SAP also offers more long-term referrals based on health insurance and preferences.
- Join a Huddle
- ComPsych® huddles are interactive online groups focused on education, skill building and peer connection. They provide a space to learn and grow in ways meaningful to our own journeys while helping others to do the same.Huddles cover a range of well-being topics, including nutrition 101, relaxation techniques, and sleep techniques.
- Participants can view the calendar of pre-scheduled upcoming Huddles To join a session, visit the website and scroll down to the “Additional Tools & Resources” section, and click on the “Digital Tools” tile.
Supporting Our Students Fund (SOS)
- The SOS (Supporting Our Students) Fund is a collection of donations from staff, faculty, students, alum, Board of Trustees members, and community friends to assist current students facing urgent and immediate expenses due to a specific emergency. Students can read more about fund eligibility and the application process on our website.
Bookmark our website to explore the resources available. Connect with us at [email protected].