Internal - Faculty & Staff

EthicsPoint Reporting Hotline

Simmons is committed to providing a safe, healthy, and ethical learning, living and working environment for all members of the community – students, staff, and faculty.

We encourage all members of the Simmons Community to report promptly, unethical or improper behavior which comes to their attention. If you have information about behavior which may violate a law, a Simmons policy, or an ethical standard, you are urged to come forward and report your concern(s) to your manager, Dean or Vice President. If it is not feasible to report your concerns to the person responsible for your school or unit, you are welcome to contact the General Counsel (x3289); the Provost (x2041); Simmons’ Title IX Coordinator (x3289), the University’s Internal Auditor (x2873), or the Associate Vice President of Human Resources (x3812).

We recognize, however, that situations may arise when a student or member of our faculty or staff may wish to submit a report anonymously. In those instances, Simmons has selected EthicsPoint, an external third-party to provide assistance to you. EthicsPoint offers confidential and anonymous reporting through a direct telephone call or an on-line intake process.

When you submit a report via EthicsPoint, you will not be required to provide your name and Simmons will respect your desire for anonymity as legally permitted. Please know, however, that some matters cannot be appropriately and fairly addressed when the person making the report prefers to remain anonymous. Certain situations may require those reporting concerns to make their identity known to allow Simmons to address the concern fully. Relevant reports submitted to EthicsPoint are protected under the Whistleblower Policy.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:

Do not use this site to report emergencies or events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you require emergency assistance, please contact Simmons Public Safety at 617-521-1111 or dial 911 for local police.

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