December 20, 2022
The University’s new Inclusion & Belonging Restoration Protocol establishes a procedure for the reporting and handling of an incident of bias, microaggressions, or prejudice at the University, as well as provides for a restorative process to facilitate healing and growth.
The Protocol includes a Reparative Process, in which a trained administrator, faculty or staff member serves as a liaison. The liaison meets with the reporting individual and, in some instances, facilitates a restorative conference between the reporting individual and the responding individual.
We are requesting that all Deans, managers, and department heads consider who on their team may welcome an opportunity to serve as a liaison. We believe this is an excellent professional development opportunity.
Liaisons must participate in an in-person, two-day Restorative Conferencing Training which will be conducted by the International Institute for Restorative Practices. The cost of the training will be paid for the Office of Organizational Culture, Inclusion and Equity. Lunch will be provided.
Upcoming Training Dates:
Please email [email protected] with any questions.