Internal - Faculty & Staff

Campus Moves for One Simmons Initiative

December 2, 2019

Campus moves and construction for the One Simmons initiative will begin this summer, immediately following Commencement. While the sequencing of the moves is still being determined, COCIS will move to Palace Rd, CSSPP to the Academic and Management Building, and we will decant floors 2-4 of LeFavour and MCB West to make room for a complete renovation for CNBHS and the redesigned library. 

In preparing for these moves, faculty and staff are encouraged to start reviewing what’s in your workspaces and begin to consolidate and purge. University Archives has offered to provide guidance on what records can be destroyed, helping to improve record-keeping practices and transferring historically significant records to the archives. Please take advantage of this resource and contact them for assistance. 

“Cleaning Days” will be scheduled, with recycling bins, shredders, etc. supplied to make this as easy as possible. Faculty should be aware that  May 15, 2020 is the date targeted for when office spaces should be packed for moving. Staff will be able to pack and move throughout the summer. 

Please direct all questions related to office moves to the Operations Logistics Team Member in your office, listed below. For additional updates on-campus moves please visit the internal site.

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