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International Networking Fair

Join us this Wednesday, February 5 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm in the LKP Conference Center (3rd Floor, Main College Building) for the International Networking Fair! This exciting event will provide an excellent opportunity to connect with organizations and learn about the various on-campus positions and opportunities available. 


This year’s networking fair will feature: 


  • On-the-spot resume reviews from the Career Education Center
  • Professional headshots to prepare students for their next steps
  • A variety of study abroad program providers, such as API, IES, SIT, USAC, and others, to showcase semester and summer programs, many of which include internship opportunities. 
  • A Center for Global Education table that will guide students on the study abroad process, application steps, eligibility, and financials.


For more information, view the event on Campus Connect!

International Networking Fair flyer

Reading Douglass Together with Byron Rushing

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 5:00 - 6:30 PM | Management and Academic Building (C-503) Simmons University and Virtual on Zoom 


Save the date for our third annual community reading and discussion of Frederick Douglass' speech, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July"? The event will consist of a collective reading of the speech in which attendees have the opportunity to read a portion, a brief response from Byron Rushing (HON '11) a former Massachusetts State

Representative, and an audience discussion of the relevance of Douglass' words for today. 


This event is open to all members of the Simmons community, as well as Boston community members. It is a hybrid (in-person and virtual) event. Light refreshments will be served. Registrants will be emailed a Zoom link.

Register Here

REEF Resource Corner 

Community Resource Room 

  • The Community Resource Room is our free resource for non-perishable food items, hygiene products, period products, and school supplies. Each month, Simmons students are eligible to place one order. Register and place an order today.


Donate to the Guest Meal Swipe Bank, Opens 2/10

  • The GMSB is a communal meal swipe bank that is accessible to students who have inconsistent access to food. While the GMSB will not open until 2/10, help us ensure we have enough meal swipes to share with fellow students by donating today! Donate your Guest Meal Swipes!


Supporting Our Students Fund (SOS)


HappyLight Borrowing Program is Now Open!


Undergraduate Student Conference Fund

The Office of Research and Fellowships is accepting winter and spring 2025 applications for the Undergraduate Student Conference Fund! This Simmons sponsored award provides up to $500 to undergraduate students to participate in an academic or professional conference.


Selection Criteria

  • We accept proposals from currently enrolled undergraduate students across all disciplines. Students must be enrolled in a Simmons University degree-granting program at the time of the conference. 
  • complete application includes a project proposal, budget justification, and a faculty advisor reference. 
  • Preference will be given to candidates who are presenting at a conference. The proposal should include a thoughtful, detailed, and well-articulated abstract, your expected goals and learning outcomes, and describe how attending or presenting at this conference will substantially enhance your academic and/or career goals.


Please email [email protected] with questions about the Undergraduate Student Conference Fund.


The Simmons Collective: Fall Studio Showcase

The Trustman Art Gallery presents The Simmons Collective: Fall Studio Showcase, featuring drawings, photography, paintings, prints, mixed media and collage. Come see what Simmons University students made during the Fall 2024 semester! 


Organized by theme, the show explores the wide variety of subject matter from which Simmons students sourced inspiration this past fall. The show will be on view from now until Friday, February 7. The Trustman Art Gallery hours are 10 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and 10 AM – 7 PM on Wednesday and Thursday. 

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The Anchor is a periodic newsletter connecting students to in-person and online activities, events, resources, and other Simmons updates. For more information, email [email protected].