Dear Students,


We write today with an important update on COVID-19 testing this fall.


After careful consideration and review of the latest public health guidance, we have decided that until further notice, weekly COVID-19 testing will be required of ALL students who are on the Boston Simmons campus at least one day a week – regardless of vaccination status. Compliance with Simmons testing protocols is critical to remain in good standing with full access to classes and other campus activities, to ensure the health and safety of the campus community, and to continue to allow face-to-face experiences and a vibrant on-campus learning experience.


All students will be tested on the Simmons Residence Campus and are required to utilize CoVerified to schedule their testing appointments, view test results, and track testing compliance. All students participating in the testing program should log in to CoVerified through the mobile app or website to activate their account by August 30.

Getting Started in CoVerified

Creating an Account

Download the CoVerified mobile app or access the website to activate your account. On the login screen, enter your email address. You should be directed to the Simmons sign-on page. Verify your mobile phone number and answer the prompts to activate your account. If you are using the mobile app, make sure to allow notifications so you can receive results in a timely manner and be contacted as needed. For more information, review these detailed instructions.

Scheduling a Test

To schedule a COVID-19 test, choose “Testing” on the bottom of the mobile app or “Schedule a Test” on the left side of the website. Choose the Residence Campus site to see appointments.

CoVerified Statuses:

  • Cleared - A green "Cleared" status means you have either tested negative within the last 12 days, or you have been exempted from testing because you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days.


  • Restricted - Until you receive your first negative test, your default CoVerified status will be “Restricted”. Following that, a red Restricted status means you have either tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 10 days, or it has been more than 12 days since your last negative test. Students with Restricted statuses should not come to campus for any purpose other than visiting the testing center to get back into compliance, or to the Health Center for treatment.


  • Remote - If you are not going to be on campus for two weeks or more, set your CoVerified status to "Remote" so you will not be required to participate in weekly testing. Do not come to campus during Remote status. If you are coming to campus for any reason, click the “Return to Campus” button, and follow the prompts. If it has been more than 12 days since your last test, you must immediately get tested to get back into compliance.


Contact the Health Center (617-521-1020) with questions or concerns, including with issues in appointment scheduling, if you believe you received a “restricted” status in error, or if you are unable to view test results in CoVerified. If you are unable to reach the Health Center, go directly to the testing site during open hours for help. You can also read the COVID-19 Related FAQs on the Return to Campus page.

Testing Compliance


It is our expectation that all students will comply with the COVID-19 testing policy, as they are critical to ensure the health and safety of our community.


Students who do not comply with testing protocols will be subject to the following outcomes:


  • First Notice - If a student goes an entire week without testing, they will receive a warning letter on Monday letting them know they must be in compliance by the end of the day on Friday. While non-compliant, student-athletes will not be allowed to participate in athletic practice or competitions, per GNAC and NCAA rules. This will be the only warning students will receive.


  • Second Notice - If a student misses a test for the second time, they will be required to attend a documented meeting with their Area Coordinator (for Residential Students) or the Dean of Student Experience (for Graduate or Undergraduate Commuter Students).


  • Third Notice & Restriction - If a student misses a test for the third time, their access to campus facilities will be suspended until they are in compliance. Tap access will be monitored weekly, and non-compliant students who are identified as having entered academic buildings will be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and will be required to attend a conduct hearing. Note: Students will be responsible for all fees and work missed during this time. Students who believe they have an extenuating circumstance will also have an option to appeal this decision.


Simmons Star Testing Compliance Rewards Program

We value and appreciate your compliance with the Simmons testing policy. In recognition of your commitment to the health and safety of the campus community, we are introducing the Simmons Star Testing Compliance Rewards Program.


Each week, students who complete their testing will be entered into a raffle to win a variety of prizes, including gift cards, Simmons swag and other fun items. Residential students will have an opportunity to earn additional incentives through the residential compliance incentive program.


Thank you for your cooperation on this extremely important initiative, which is vital to ensure a safe campus community this semester.




Renique Kersh, Ph.D.

VP for Student Affairs