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Information to Anchor Your Simmons Experience

Welcome to this special June edition of The Anchor, which will focus on vaccine information in preparation for your arrival on campus this fall.

From the VP's Desk

Dr. Renique Kersh, VP for Student Affairs

Hey, Sharks!


It's June already, and I am so excited that in just a few short months, we will all be on campus together. As we prepare to return to in-person learning this fall, one thing is critical to ensure the safety of our community: vaccinations. This is why President Wooten announced on April 26 that all graduate and undergraduate students returning to campus this fall are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Renique vaccinated

To keep us on track, Simmons has set benchmark goals throughout the summer for our community vaccination rate. Our goal for July 1 is to achieve a 70% vaccination rate. By August 1, our goal is for 80% of our community to be vaccinated, and by the start of classes on September 1, our target is to reach 90% vaccination.


As part of the university initiative to ensure a safe return to campus, this edition of The Anchor focuses entirely on vaccination information. This includes how to upload your vaccination records, a Q&A section with Simmons University Medical Director Dr. Daniel Barker, and vaccine testimonials from students and staff.


As outlined in the June 16 university communication, we will be holding Welcome Days for both graduate and undergraduate students from September 1 to September 10. Throughout July and August, we will be sending additional communications with further details regarding our return to campus. I am so excited by the prospect of coming together again safely as community, so please upload your vaccination record as soon as possible! I can't wait to finally meet you in person this fall!


Meeting Our Vaccination Goal

Our first goal is to reach 70% vaccination by July 1. Help us achieve this by getting your shot, uploading your vaccination record to the Student Health Portal, and encouraging your classmates to do the same!

How to Find a Vaccination Site Near You

You can find a vaccine location near you by visiting, and entering your zip code. You can also filter results by the vaccine brand if desired.

How to Upload Your COVID-19 Vaccination Record

If you have not already done so, please visit visit to upload your COVID-19 vaccination record. You'll need to sign into the Student Health Portal using your Simmons login credentials. Documents can be uploaded to the Health Portal as an image, text, or PDF file. Questions should be directed to the Health Center at [email protected].

Student Health Portal

Ask Dr. Barker

As we plan for our return to campus and Simmons' reopening, we want to know what questions you have! Please submit any inquiries regarding vaccines, testing, campus reopening, or other COVID-related topics below.


We will present these questions to Dr. Barker, Simmons' Medical Director, and provide his answers via the Health Center website and future editions of The Anchor.


Ask Dr. Barker

Dr. Daniel Barker, MD, is the Medical Director of the Health Center at Simmons University. Barker also serves as a Harvard Medical Faculty Physician.


"Why I Got Vaccinated" Campaign

This summer, Simmons is highlighting the stories of students, faculty, and staff who have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine, and why they made the decision.

students in library

"I worked in a hospital as a PCT and witnessed firsthand the deadly consequences of COVID. I got vaccinated for the people we lost, the people who cannot be vaccinated, and the people who are still fighting through the worst of this pandemic.


As a desert girl from Phoenix, AZ, I am most looking forward to experiencing the changes of seasons! It's my first time in Boston, and I am curious to experience what real winter is like. I'll be investing in a warm jacket, that's for sure!"

- Alexa Queenie Tagaban, '24

"I got my shot to protect myself as an immunocompromised individual and my friends and family. Getting the vaccine has given me peace of mind to know I have protection as things return to our new normal." 

- Amelia McConnell, Director of Residence Life

students in library

Want to share your COVID-19 vaccine story? Send a photo of yourself with a description of why you got vaccinated and what you're looking forward to most this fall to [email protected].

Simmons University

The Division of Student Affairs

300 The Fenway

Boston, MA 02115